One of the easiest ways to secure finance is with a personal loan. You don’t need an excellent credit score, impressive income or an asset like a car or house to secure the finance against. A personal loan can be used to finance pretty much anything, from weddings to home improvements and even debt consolidation.
Primarily the lenders we work with look at the borrowers income and expenditure to account a current affordability. Providing a personal loan quote with the best rate they can offer. Interest rates do vary. This is dependent on the lender and the individual circumstances of the borrower. However all personal loans are set with affordable monthly repayments and a specific end date. With personal loans it comes down to what suits the borrowers needs and budget.
Debt Consolidating
Consolidating all debts including credit cards into one reasonable monthly amount could be hugely beneficial. The annual percentage rates (APR) on credit cards is generally higher compared to that of a personal loan. Plus it is quick and easy to access the funds. By paying a personal loan in full within the 2-5 year period can also improve the borrowers credit score.
Paying for a wedding
Large events like a wedding can be associated with years of saving or high interest accumulating as everything is tallying it all up on a credit card. A personal loan could finance the perfect wedding. Whilst spreading the cost with achievable monthly payments over time.
Whether you have good or bad credit, our helpful team can help you access a personal loan. Pegasus Finance has connections to multiple lenders, all of which have competitive interest rates and flexible terms to suit everyone’s circumstance. If you want to find out more about our personal loans, just visit our calculator page and apply now.