Have you thought about getting some solar panels fitted? The latest architectural trend in the UK is to minimise the negative impact your building has on the environment- solar panels are a good place to start!
Solar panels often look big and unsightly on the side of buildings, but we have found a solution! Designed to fully integrate into any slate roof, the Thermoslate range offers aesthetics to suit any architectural design; whilst still having the same advantages as the clunky traditional solar panels. Thermoslate is the only solar system to use properties of natural slate. The slate is extracted from the Spanish CUPA PIZARRAS’ own quarries and converts sunlight to energy for the production of domestic heating and hot water. With considerable annual savings, reduction of air pollution and reduced dependence on coal it seems that these solar panels are a huge advantage for your home.
Once fully installed the slates are undetectable and therefore aren’t an eyesore for the surrounding areas. They are extremely efficient and with practically no maintenance it will be simple for any home owner to implement. This solar system pays itself off fairly quickly by saving the homeowner significant amounts on their traditional heating bills. With Thermoslate, you have the flexibility to generate 76% of the heating use at home (based on a family of 5) and annually prevent emissions of 1.5 tonnes of CO2.
It’s simple to start saving with any solar system. All you need to do is designate the best area dependant on your roof space, choose your panels and get your finances ready to have them all installed.
Let us know if you are thinking about putting solar panels on your home. We can help with the finance! Just check out our calculator page and apply now.